Español Automático Podcast

Español Automático Podcast

Alojado por: Karo Martinez: Spanish Teacher, Blogger and passionate Language Learner

Welcome to Español Automático, the podcast where I help intermediate Spanish learners speak Spanish confidently and fluently! I’m Karo, your host, and with over 17 years of teaching experience and 8 years teaching...

Todos los episodios


Not Ready to Speak Spanish? Do This

Are you struggling with the fear of speaking Spanish? In this video, you'll find practical and effective strategies on how to overcome fear of speaking Spanish and gain the confidence you need to start speaking...
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7 Key Things You MUST Do After Learning New Spanish Words

Have you ever learned a new Spanish word only to forget it the next day? Frustrating, right? In this video, I’ll share 7 powerful strategies that will help you memorize Spanish words and make them a natural part of...
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3 Must-Do Steps to Boost Your Spanish After Watching YouTube

Want to learn Spanish fast? This video will show you how to improve your Spanish with YouTube using effective learning techniques. Discover how to listen actively, memorize Spanish vocabulary, and improve...
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5 Spanish Phrases You Need at a Restaurant (Listen & Repeat)

Have you ever looked at a menu in Spanish and felt completely lost? You're hungry, the waiter is waiting, and you don’t know where to start. Don't worry! In this video, you'll learn 5 essential Spanish phrases that...
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Understand Fast Spanish: The Trick Nobody Tells You

🌟 Welcome to Fast Spanish Mastery! 🌟 Do you want to understand fast Spanish with ease? In this video, we reveal the trick nobody tells you for comprehending rapid Spanish conversations. If you're tired of struggling...
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This Simple Trick Fixes Your Spanish Pronunciation!

Want to improve your Spanish pronunciation? Discover the trick that nobody tells you! 🎙️🇪🇸 Do you practice Spanish for hours, but feel that your pronunciation is not improving? You are not alone. In this video, I...
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No One Understands Your Spanish? Try THESE Simple Tips!

Do people struggle to understand you when you speak Spanish? 😅 You’re not alone! In this video, you’ll discover how to improve your pronunciation, speak more clearly, and sound more natural in Spanish. 💬✨ If you’ve...
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3 pasos para no bloquearte hablando español (incluso como principiante)

🚨 ¿Te bloqueas al hablar español? 🚨Si sientes que tu mente se queda en blanco cada vez que intentas hablar español, este vídeo es para ti. Descubre un método probado en 3 pasos que te ayudará a superar los bloqueos y...
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Haz amigos en España al instante con estas 10 frases fáciles

¿Quieres hacer amigos rápido y fácil en España? En este vídeo descubrirás 10 frases simples que cambiarán por completo tu forma de conectar con los vecinos y locales. Estas frases te ayudarán a integrarte, sentirte...
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5 errores que te impiden relacionarte con nativos

¿Alguna vez has sentido que, aunque estudias español, hay algo que no termina de encajar cuando hablas con nativos? 🤔 Puede que estés cometiendo errores sutiles que frenan tu fluidez sin darte cuenta. En este vídeo,...
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6 Errors That Make You Look Like a Beginner

🎯 ¿Estás cometiendo estos 6 errores al hablar español sin darte cuenta?Muchos estudiantes de español repiten pequeñas equivocaciones que les hacen sonar como principiantes… ¡pero no tiene por qué ser tu caso! Hoy te...
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5 Mistakes That Make You Look Foolish

¿Alguna vez has sentido que hablas bien español hasta que cometes un error que te deja rojo de vergüenza? 😅 Tranquilo, no estás solo. En este video, te mostraré cómo evitar esos momentos incómodos y sonar más natural...
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